

vim ~/.gitconfig



[user]# {{{
        name = zaozaool
        email =

    excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
    attributesfile = ~/.gitattributes
    quotepath = false
    headers = ""
    subjectprefix = ""
    tool = vimdiff
[diff "jp"]
    textconv=nkf -w
[diff "msword"] #
    textconv = antiword -w0
[diff "msexcel"]
    textconv = xlhtml -fw -asc -te -xp:0-10 -xc:0-100
[difftool "normal"] #
    cmd = diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
    default = current
    fontdiff = -family \"Andale Mono\" -size 10 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
# }}}

[tig] # {{{
    show-refs = yes
    show-rev-graph = yes
    line-graphics = no
    commit-encoding = "UTF-8"
    author-width = 16
    tab-size = 4
[tig "color"]
    default = default default
    date = green default
    author = default default
    cursor = white blue
    title-blur = black white
    title-focus = black white bold
[tig "bind"]
    generic = i view-close
    main = i view-main
    main = q view-main
    main = s view-status
    main = space enter
    diff = , previous
    diff = . next
    stage = , previous
    stage = . next
    status = space enter
# }}}

[color] #{{{
    status = auto
    diff = auto
    branch = auto
    interactive = auto
[color "diff"]
    frag = magenta

[branch "master"] # {{{
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
# }}}

[merge] # {{{
    tool = persistent
[mergetool "persistent"]
    # ref Brian Phillips @
    cmd = "vim -d \"$PWD/$MERGED\" \
        +\":split $PWD/$REMOTE\" +\":set buftype=nowrite\" \
        +\":vertical diffsplit $PWD/$LOCAL\" +\":set buftype=nowrite\" \
        +\":vertical diffsplit $PWD/$BASE\" +\":set buftype=nowrite\" \
        +\":wincmd j\" \
        +\":nmap <ESC>1 :diffget BASE<CR>:diffupdate<CR>\" \
        +\":nmap <ESC>2 :diffget LOCAL<CR>:diffupdate<CR>\" \
        +\":nmap <ESC>3 :diffget REMOTE<CR>:diffupdate<CR>\" "

[alias] # {{{
    ci  = commit
    cm  = commit --amend
    co  = checkout
    cd  = checkout -b
    cp  = cherry-pick --no-commit # һommit     
    coo = reset HEAD -- #  local repos 

    br  = branch
    bmv = branch -m
    bMv = branch -M
    brm = branch -d
    brM = branch -D
    brr = branch -r

    di  = diff --ignore-submodules=dirty --no-prefix -p --stat # show difference between working tree and the index
    dc  = diff --ignore-submodules=dirty --no-prefix -p --stat --cached # show difference between index and local repos, what would be committed with "git commit"
    da  = diff --ignore-submodules=dirty --no-prefix -p --stat HEAD # show difference between working tree and local repos, what would be committed with "git commit -a"
    df  = diff --ignore-submodules=dirty --no-prefix --stat=200,78 # show different files between working tree and the index
    dt  = difftool -y
    do  = difftool -y -t normal
    dp  = !sh -c 'git diff HEAD "$0" | git apply --whitespace=nowarn --index -' # fast apply the patch against "$0" commit or branch

    fp  = format-patch -s

    ll  = log --pretty=format:'%C(blue)%h%Creset %cn %m %C(bold)%C(red)%d%Creset %s %C(green)%C(dim)%cr%Creset' --branches --graph --since='2 weeks ago'
    ls  = log --pretty=format:'%C(blue)%h%Creset %cn %m %C(bold)%C(red)%d%Creset %s %C(green)%C(dim)%ci%Creset' --all --graph

    ms  = merge --squash
    mf  = merge --no-ff # generate a merge commit even if the merge resolved as a fast-forward
    mt  = mergetool

    # filter-branch
    nc = filter-branch -f --tree-filter

    st  = status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty

    sma = submodule add
    smi = submodule init
    smu = submodule update
    sms = submodule status
    smy = submodule sync

    zc  = stash save
    zl  = stash list
    zo  = stash pop
    zd  = stash drop

    dci = svn dcommit
    dco = svn clone -r HEAD
    dca = svn clone
    dup = svn rebase
    dll = svn log --oneline --limit=20
    dls = svn log
# }}}

#       proxy =

# vim: set foldmethod=marker: